How to secure your information in Facebook? #DeleteFacebook

Recently, you have heard about this "Delete Facebook".The reasons for that Hashtag detailly explained in this link.Check out here.
so what we will do next...? How to secure your information from facebook?

1.You have to delete your facebook account.
2.You have to secure your information from Facebook.
                           (Not 100% sure)

Shall we go into it?How to secure or remove your personal information?

Step 1: Login to your account.

Step 2: Go to settings.
Step 3: On the Left side bottom section, There will be the Button named as "Ads".Click that.
Step 4: After that Your ad preferences page will be open
-Your interests
                   Click that and remove all of your interests.
The Facebook provides ads to you based on these interests.Some of that categories are maybe not related to you...For eg., you don't like Cats, but they added cats to your interests list.Then they can show Cat related ads to, Cat foods, Cat Sale etc..

-Your Information
                  Click that, and toggle off your information.

-Ad settings
       Change as "No" in all section, Like the image given below.

-Hide ad topics
          Click that and toggle off all the topics and on the button permanently to hide your ads permanently, like the image given below.

Yaa.....Now it has completed.
You must check frequently in these sections.Not only on facebook be secure in all social media, payment apps, and third-party apps.Don't give permissions blindly on mobile app's.Think about that permissions before approval.Who's know? how much information about you they have.

"If you do not pay for the product, you are the product"



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